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A New Focus On Events

Support and training for your business should not be one size fits all. Your company is as unique as people you serve and the people on your team, make sure your training is developed with them in mind.

Attend a Workshop

Our workshops are designed to cover the most common problems facing businesses today and they are always evolving with the input of companies like yours. We make sure that you have the opportunity to ask questions directly related to a concern your company is facing and get hands on help from a local service provider that can help your business more in depth after you leave the event.  

Hold a workshop

Would you like to make sure that your team is all trained the same way at the same time? Does your company have a very specific set of concerns that your would like addressing and training for? We can bring the workshop to you and have it tailored to meet your training and support requirements. Don't worry about trying to schedule multiple training sessions for different topics we will bring all the providers to you at the same time. 

Common Workshop Topics

Customer Service

Your customers satisfaction is what keeps you in business, learn how to keep them smiling.

Team Communication

Your team are your best asset, communication is the key to a well functioning team.

Manage Projects

Projects and teams can be hard to balance. Learn how to get organized and stay organized. 


Business is all about people. Find out how best to meet the right people.


The world of marketing is fast paced, learn where to spend your efforts.


Your brand speaks for you when you can't, make sure it says the right thing.


We are all in business to make money, is your money working for you?


From registrations to contracts, make sure you know where you stand.


Keep your business and your assets safe from in the real and cyber world. 

Social Impact

How can you give back to the community in a way that matches your company culture? 

Web Design

You could have the best product or service available, but if you don't have a website no one will find you. 

Social Media

Social media is the marketing and networking tool of the modern business. Do you have a presence?

Human Resources

Your team is your biggest resources, are you treating it as such?

company culture

Your company culture tells the world who you are and why they should work with and for you.


People spend a a quarter of their lives at work, is your company a good place to be? 

We all Love lunch

Do you have limited time to get your team together for training? Get everyone together for a Lunch & Learn

We will bring in the product providers and the lunch, you just bring in the people.